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GRAND OPENING at Stittsville Windows & Doors
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Visits: 748

Date Posted: 7/9/2012 11:00:49 AM <<Previous Ad  Back to Results   Next Ad>>
Posted By: stittsvillewd  
Address: 5906 Hazeldean Road, Stittsville, ON K2S 1B9  
GRAND OPENING first 50 customers will receive a steal of a deal :) Come check out our brand new showroom at 5906 Hazeldean Road, Stittsville. Don''''t miss out on this great opportunity!! ALL window and door products are not created equal - if you spend a minute and come check out our fairly priced products you will see the difference between ours and the rest!! FREE no hassel in-home consultation! Also visit us online at Check out our securemax glass video Including ALL of the Ottawa Valley (Kanata, Carelton Place, Richmond, Almonte, Manotick, Osgoode, Munster, and many many more!)

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